
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Peanut Butter Cups

After I made these Banana Split Bites, I had some extra melted chocolate.  Since I am a chocolate lover there was no way I was about to waste that delicious chocolate.  I had two options: eat the chocolate straight from the bowl or make a mini peanut butter cup.  I already had the mini cupcake liners out so I decided on the latter option.

To make these peanut butter cups, all you have to do is use leftover melted chocolate or just melt a tablespoon of vegan chocolate chips (to make one) in the mircowave (or you can always melt more chocolate to make more peanut butter cups).  Spoon a little bit of chocolate in a mini cupcake liner and freeze for about 15 minutes.  Scoop some peanut butter on top of the frozen chocolate (the amount is up to you on how peanut buttery you want your Peanut Butter Cup).  Finally, top that with the rest of the melted chocolate.  Freeze for another 15 minutes or longer if you want to eat it later.  If you keep it in the freezer for a few hours make sure to thaw for at least 10 minutes before enjoying!

To make these look even more like the real thing you can even spread the chocolate not only on the bottom of the mini cupcake liner but also around the sides so that the peanut butter is just in the middle once you spoon the rest of the melted chocolate on top!

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